Tuesday 10 September 2013

Tory Party Annual Conference Abuzz

The Tory Party 2013 conference has hit a record attendance of over 4,000; but without one critical guest.

Rudolph Appleby has excused himself from this year's meeting, in order to attend a select committee hearing on abortion law in Rattertat. At the conference, members spoke of their passion for their new leader, but also their heart-felt disappointment that he couldn't be there.

Top Gear Concordia host Jeb Hawkins was among the guests. In his speech he spoke of his anger towards what he called a "Socialist government effectively  out of control and running wild". Amy Springfield, a popular ex- Radio host said that the economy was in 'disarray' because of excessive government spending. The Berlin Grand Hall was packed with over 4,000 members , each wanting to speak to our media . We spoke to few and asked them to describe the incumbent Prime Minister Mohammed Champagne in one word, the top results were as follows;

1. D*ckhead
2. Idiot
3. Gweenie
4. Loony-lefty 
5. Pelican

We asked them to describe the incumbent leader of the opposition and Tory Party, Rudolph Appleby in one word too;

1. Intelligent
2. Gentle 
3. Warm
4. Smart
5. Determined

Reporting from Berlin.

Robert B. Kent.

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