Tuesday 10 September 2013

New Prime Minister on his way

Concordia's new Prime Minister to-be, Jack Spaniel, has been held up in gridlock traffic this morning and will postpone his official swearing-in as Prime Minister to later on this evening. He is currently stationed at a  Casino in the city's north. The delay means the incumbent Mohammed Champagne can spend some time relaxing as the final few hours of his reign draws to a close. CBS News 24 reporter Mark Livingstone asked Mr. Champagne  on how he was feeling this morning, he responded;

"As you'd expect Mark I'm in shock. Utter shock. I never knew I didn't have the faith of my entire caucus. As for the claims made by Mr. Appleby about our over spending of tax payer's money; they are lies. Complete lies."

Three days ago, Tory Party leader Rudolph Appleby held a news conference claiming that the Red Party had severely breached the spending limits at the 2011 campaign, and used millions of tax payer's money on personal satisfaction. Appleby claimed several Red Party MPs had used their privileges inappropriately.

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