Tuesday 10 September 2013

Former Prime Minister Harry Reynolds, dead.

Concordia's jovial "Big Harry" has died this afternoon after a long and tiresome battle with leukemia.

Prime Minister Mohammed Champagne says Mr. Reynolds passed away peacefully in his Eatonray home in Berlin at just after 3 o'clock .
"I think he will be remembered as one of Concordia's more laid back Prime Ministers" he said. "During his short time in office he inspired many to do the best they possibly can".

The family has asked for privacy but has issued a statement saying his last words were "Look after the Bach for me", 'Bach' of course is what Mr. Reynolds famously called Concordia during his time in office.

He was first elected to parliament in 1978 to the seat of Eatonray. He served as Minister of Finance under Julia Keith, Todd Eaton and Tony Keats.

Mr. Reynolds is famous for calling all members of parliament who asked him questions in question time as "My friend" as opposed to "That member". He left parliament in 2003 as his illness became more serious. Incumbent MP for Eatonray, Sara Bullish says he was a local icon and was viewed as a saint by the Working people who he so proudly stood up for and represented during his time in Parliament.

Mr. Reynolds famously gives former Tory Prime Minister Robert Harkness some 'tips' as he prepares to hand
over the title of Prime Minister to him in 2002 following an election defeat for The Red Party.

Robert B. Kent, CBS NEWS.

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